#MusicVideoOfTheWeek 2

One of my favourite Music Videos

Screenshot of Out of a forest by Tobias Gundorff Boesen

 Hi Everyone! 

Today i am going to share with you one of my favourite music videos. I found this video when researching stop motion techniques and was very glad to find this.

The music video is an animation for a project directed by Tobias Gundorff Boesen, the animation is to the song Slow Show by The National. The video manages to tell its simplistic story well through stop motion, the editing is very strategic.

A music video is some cases needs to be an audiovisual poetry,  the use of visuals are cohesive with the song, attention to detail ensured the bridge of the song was matched perfectly when chaos broke, this then allowed us the audience to feel and experience the distress the little bunny was surrounded by. Out of a forest excelled in story telling, music, editing and tone.

Music Videos



Three Reasons you need a Music Video.


#MusicVideoOfTheWeek 1